Where We’re Going


We want to get people feeling confident in the kitchen and making healthy meals. And we want to make sure more people are included in cooking in the future.

Learning and growing community

We plan to offer classes and events for people of all abilities. We know that when we share food with family and friends, it helps us to feel connected. Together, we will discover new ways to cook, eat, and learn about food.

Request a Cookable Kitchen workshop for your organization.

Moving the needle on inclusion

We will advocate to help mainstream cooking sites and classes become more inclusive. We will provide resources to help others rethink the way they do things.

Want to help us reach our goals faster?

Man with a healthy meal made himself at a community cooking class
Man with a healthy meal made himself at a community cooking class

New technology…

We are excited about how technology could help people cook and live more independently. Our long-term vision is to create an interactive app that helps people follow recipes, plan meals, and connect with family and/or caregivers. Check out our vision in the slideshow below!

…and some classic technology, too

The most basic idea of accessibility is that everyone has different needs and likes. For a lot of people, technology is a great help. For others, it may be too distracting, expensive, or they may just not like it. That’s why we’ve also got a classic cookbook in the works, along with some other hands-on meal planning tools.


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